What is SERP Position Zero – and How to Get it! | Zizzo Group

What is SERP Position Zero – and How to Get it!

When you plug a term or phrase into Google, Bing, or any other search engine (is Ask Jeeves still a thing?), it returns links to sites that fit your query on a Search Engine Results Page. Also called SERPs, these pages serve as direct pathways for site traffic and as funnels for user clicks. But what makes a user click one result over another? Well, generally, it comes down to its position on the page.

According to backlinko, the first organic result has an average click-thru-rate of 31.7% and is 10 times more likely to be clicked on compared to the tenth result still on that very same page. Simply, a higher SERP ranking generally correlates with more traffic to your site and better engagement rates for your content.

While a top ten ranking on the first page is still something to shoot for, in 2020, there’s a new SERP sheriff in town. Enter: Position Zero.


How Do SERPs Rank Stuff?

To understand why Position Zero is so coveted, you need to understand how search engines decide what results go where.

SERP orders or “rankings” are determined by complex algorithms within the search engines themselves. Google, for example, is said to apply over 200 different SEO factors, including webpage security, user experience and link quality into their SERP rankings.

The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to position your content or website at the top of an SERP.  Studies show that the first ten results listed for a particular search term or keyword receive the majority of search clicks. The same studies showed that results appearing on the second results page only receive around 1% of total clicks.


Then What’s Position Zero?

But a top ten SERP ranking isn’t enough. Heck, being the first result on the first page isn’t enough. These days, Position Zero is where it’s at.

Also called Featured Snippet, Position Zero returns exist above the first search result and provides readers with a brief description that answers their search query.Featured Snippet


For digital marketers, getting content to Position Zero on an SERP is kind of a big deal.

Position zero quite literally places your content above the competition’s, including paid advertisements, ensuring that your site or content piece is the very first result a user is greeted with after they enter a search.

Content in Position Zero almost always yields drastic boosts in click-through-rates. And, because the user is already interested in the topic in question, they are more likely to stay on your site for longer periods of time. These lengthier visits create added opportunities for sales funnel actions, making this increased site traffic that much more valuable.


And How Do I Get It?

While there is no guaranteed method for getting your content to Position Zero, improving your overall SERP ranking starts with improving specific aspects of your SEO strategy.

Here are a few tactics to consider when looking to boost your SEO scores, and your SERP rankings as a result:

Know Your Audience

Your SEO efforts will likely be fruitless unless your content benefits a specific group of people. Identify your target audience, then take the time to research their online behaviors. What are they searching for? Where are they searching? Do they have any complaints about a current solution to their problem? Asking questions like these will help you curate content that your target audience finds helpful, leading them to recognize you as a reputable thought leader or trusted provider for their consumer needs.

Utilize Keyword Research

It is no secret the certain keywords and phrases tend to rank best in SERPs. Utilize keyword research tools to find the specific terms and phrases that are trending, or that directly relate to your target audience. Then, curate your content around these keywords and phrases. Hint: try to incorporate specific questions or actions words.

Choose the Right Content

It’s important to remember that not all content is suitable for Position Zero. SERPs serve as collections of answers for user questions. Recently, “Best of” lists and informational product reviews have been appearing in Position Zero more frequently than other related content.

Focus on creating content that would provide the most benefit for your desired audience. Answer their question. Offer insight on a process or tool that you know they are using. Provide objective information or facts about the topic they are researching. Above all, make sure your content gives users a clear answer to their question. Oftentimes, it is a best practice to repeat the question on a prominent section of your webpage to make the information even more accessible.

Choose the Right Digital Marketing Partner

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of SEO and SERP marketing is that it is in a constant state of refinement and change. As you continue working to improve your SEO and SERP strategies, it is crucial to stay up-to-date on current best practices, pay attention to updates about search engine algorithms, and to take advantage of the SEO tools and resources at your disposal – you know, tools like us! (Wait, what?)

If you’re interested in learning more about SERP rankings, SEO or crafting Position Zero-worthy content, give the digital team at ZG a call.


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